Collaborate at WHIN Huddles
Payment for COLLABORATE: WHIN Huddles
Dates: March 7-9, 2025
3-Session Days
over 2-Week Period
Our WHIN Huddles are dynamic three-day sessions designed to connect diverse innovators (men and women) from all walks of life (yes that means you), with experts in women’s health, to focus on identifying potential innovative solutions to address conditions that primarily impact women. Regularly scheduled WHIN Huddles are for anyone interested in exploring how innovation can improve our health. While WHIN Huddles will focus on women’s health, successful Huddles rely on engaging participants from diverse backgrounds (men and women) who love a challenge and are interested in making a difference. The inaugural WHIN Huddle is focused on Maternal & Reproductive Health a topic that impacts everyone.. The United States has the highest maternal and infant mortality rate of any high-income nation despite the fact that we spend the most on healthcare. An estimated 80% of those deaths are preventable. We’ll explore opportunities for improving all aspects of the Motherhood journey from fertility to mental health. Your participation can make a difference. Collectively, we can help shape the future of Maternal Health and impact the lives of women in our community and around the world. Join us to help make a difference.